From August 31 to September 27, 2021
Adrien Gygax est un écrivain suisse de langue française, d'une trentaine d'années, qui a grandi et qui vit dans le Canton de Vaud. Il est l'auteur de deux romans : Aux noces de nos petites vertus (Cherche-Midi, 2017) et Se réjouir de la fin(Grasset, 2020) qui sera adapté au théâtre en 2021. Il poursuit ses explorations littéraires autour de la question de l'artificialité et de la figure d'Héraclite.
This residency is supported by the State of Vaud (Switzerland)
GILBERT MUSY / CTL Program Translation MasterClass
Rosie Pinhas-Delpuech is a translator of Hebrew and director of the "Hebrew Letters" collection of the French publishing house Actes Sud for more than fifteen years. She has also taught literature and philosophy. She is the author of Insomnia, une traduction nocturne (Actes Sud, 'un endroit où aller', 1998), Suite byzantine (Bleu autour, 2003) and Anna - Une histoire française (Bleu autour, 2007).
This residency is supported by the “Service de Coopération et d’Action culturelle” of the Embassy of France in Switzerland
Born in Switzerland in 1991, Céline Zufferey now lives in Lyon. Her first novel, Sauver les meubles was published by Editions Gallimard (2017). It has been translated into Italian (Edizioni Casagrande) and Swedish (Papamoscas bokförlag). Writer and journalist, she is particularly interested in the image, fixed or animated. In 2019, she was awarded a Pro Helvetia grant for creative writing. Winner of the Prix du jeune écrivain francophone (in 2014 and 2015), she has also published New York K.O. with Paulette Éditrice (2016).
Ezz Darwiesh is a Freelancer Writer, visual artist and activist. He writes theatre plays, 14 performances Thoughts in my mind, The mice room, Time of shadow, The dreamers’ revolution and others. His plays participated in many international festivals and awarded to a few awards. In 2011, he started blogging about the revolutions in the middle east and many other public events. He wrote a novel Searching for the lost and a collection of poetry. He started publishing his work on the internet as an alternative to deal with the publishing problems in Egypt and for issues related to freedom of expression and the censorship. In 2017, he got a grant from Al Mawred organization in their program Kon Ma3 El Fann as artist at risk. Ezz Darwiesh is also a painter. In 2019 he organized his first installation exhibition Universal breathing for painting, photography and written thoughts.
This residency is supported by, Fondation Jan Michalski, Artlink SüdKulturFonds
Tareq Samin is a Poet, Writer and Editor of the bilingual literary journal Sahitto. He is author of six books, include two poetry collections, three Short Stories collections and a Novel. Some of his poems are translated in English, Spanish, German, Slovak, Portuguese, French, Italian and Hungarian Languages. Tareq Samin is a Martin Roth Initiative Scholarship alumni (joint program of Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen and the Goethe-Institut). His poetry has the theme of secularism, calling for people of different faiths to stand united, admonishing religious extremism and violence, and speaking of the power of poetry to bring about change; he talks of the pressures of writing in a stifling social climate. He is an important voice in the literary world working against violence and extremism and in favour of peace and free speech.
This residency is supported by, Fondation Jan Michalski, Artlink SüdKulturFonds