Chawki Amari. Ecrivain et journaliste, Chawki Amari est plus connu pour ses chroniques sur le quotidien El Watan, où il révèle, entre analyse politique, humour et poésie, la difficulté des nations à se construire. En littérature, on lui retrouve ce même monde lyrique et absurde, souvent sur fond de problématiques scientifiques appliquées à la folle histoire de l’homme.
Zsófia Bán is a Hungarian fiction writer, essayist and critic. Her stories have been widely anthologized and translated. She has received grants and awards in Hungary and abroad. In 2015/16 she was a writer-in-residence with the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program. She will read from Als nur die Tiere lebten (finalist, HKW International Book Prize 2014).
Nicole Bary est traductrice (allemand), directrice de collection aux éditions Métailié et de l’association Les Amis du Roi des Aulnes, une association qui organise des rencontres annuelles d’écrivains européens, « Lettres d’Europe et d’ailleurs ». Dernières traductions : Dépressions de Herta Müller (Gallimard 2015) et Le Noyau blanc de Christoph Hein.
Vonani Bila is the author of five books of poems and eight books of stories in Xitsonga, Sepedi and English. A driving force in South African poetry as editor and publisher, he also founded Timbila Writers' Village, a retreat centre for writers. His narrative poetry is mainly concerned about contemporary life in post-apartheid South Africa, rural realism, and political betrayal.
Nicolae Coande is the author of 9 poetry collections and several books of essays. The recipient of a number of major literary prizes and grants in Romania, Germany, and Austria, he is a dramaturge at the National Theatre Marin Sorescu and founder & editor-in-chief of the Theatre's magazine, SpectActor. His most recent poetry book is They Just Wouldn’t Let Me Run the World (Max Blecher, 2015).
Barbara Fontaine vit à Paris, parfois à Berlin, et traduit de la littérature allemande, essentiellement contemporaine. Parmi ses auteurs figurent Katja Lange-Müller, Ursula Krechel, Thomas Hettche, Katja Petrowskaja, Hans-Ulrich Treichel. Elle travaille actuellement à la traduction française du dernier roman de Hans-Ulrich Treichel, Tagesanbruch.
Amina Gautier is the author of three short-story collections: At-Risk, Now We Will Be Happy, and The Loss of All Lost Things. She has been awarded the Flannery O’Connor Award, Prairie Schooner Book Prize, among many others, and international fellowships from The Brown Foundation/Dora Maar, The Camargo Foundation, and Hawthornden.
Zadig Hamroune, enseignant et écrivain, est attaché à sa double culture franco-algérienne, à sa berbérité, et se consacre au roman, à la poésie, au théâtre. Un second roman, Chronique d'un deuil amoureux, paraitra en septembre 2017. Il lira des extraits du premier, Le pain de l'exil, paru chez Gallimard en 2015, qui reçut un excellent accueil de la critique et du public.
Kamil Hatimi est né en 1960 au Maroc. Après avoir exercé différents métiers dont ceux de musicien de bal, de photographe et d’interprète, il publie un premier roman en 2015 : La Houlette, aux éditions Elyzad. Kamil Hatimi vit actuellement dans le Sud de la France où il continue à explorer les voies de l’écriture.
Sarah Holland-Batt is an Australian poet, editor, critic and academic. Her most recent book, The Hazards (UQP, 2015) won the 2016 Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Poetry. She is the editor of The Best Australian Poems 2017 (Black Inc), and Poetry Editor of Island.
Fatou Kande Senghor est Sénégalaise. Elle vit à Thiès, où elle pratique la photographie, la vidéo, le film, la littérature, et la gravure traditionnelle. En 2015, WALABOK, ou une histoire orale du hip hop au Sénégal, une anthologie qui reconstitue plus de 10 ans de recherches sur les cultures urbaines dans son pays, a paru aux éditions Amalion Publishing.
Judith Kuckart is a writer and theatre director who founded and ran the dance theatre Skoronel until 1998. She has published many novels. Amongst others: Lenas Liebe (2002), made into a film in 2012; Kaiserstraße (2006), shortlisted for the Leipzig Book Prize; Wünsche (2013), longlisted for the German Book Prize; Das man durch Belgien muss auf dem Weg zum Glück (2015).
Suji Kwock Kim is the author of Notes from the Divided Country, which won the Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets; Private Property, a multimedia play produced at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe; and Disorient, which is forthcoming. She has received a number of major awards and grants in the US, Europe and Asia. She lives in London.
Pablo Llambias will be working on an updated version of his 1997 novel Rådhus (Townhall), that portrays the Danish welfare society. Since then a lot of things have happened and the welfare society is under pressure. The new novel, with the working title Rådhus 2, will deal with these changes.
Sanja Lovrenčić graduated in history of art and lives in Zagreb, as a free-lance writer and translator. Her published titles include poetry, novels, short stories, radio plays. She has received literary prizes for many of her poems and novels.
Shelly Oria is the author of New York 1, Tel Aviv 0 (Farrar Straus & Giroux 2014). Her fiction has appeared in The Paris Review among numerous other places and has won a number of awards, including the Indiana Review Fiction Prize. Recently, Shelly has co-authored a novella, CLEAN, commissioned by WeTransfer and McSweeney's.
Gjertrud Schnackenberg, an American poet, is the author of six books of poetry: Heavenly Questions (2010), The Throne of Labdacus (2000), Supernatural Love: Poems 1976-1992 (2000), A Gilded Lapse of Time (1992), The Lamplit Answer (1985), and Portraits and Elegies (1982).
Claire Scobie is the award-winning author of Last Seen in Lhasa and The Pagoda Tree, and co-author of A Baboon in the Bedroom. She runs writing workshops, and writes for numerous publications. In 2013 she completed a Doctor of Creative Arts degree at Western Sydney University.
Marina Skalova Marina Skalova est auteure, traductrice littéraire et dramaturge. Elle a publié Atemnot (Souffle court) chez Cheyne éditeur en 2016, pour lequel elle a reçu le Prix de la Vocation en poésie, Amarres chez L’Age d’Homme en 2017, ainsi qu’Exploration du flux sur Ses textes interrogent l’étrangeté et le rapport à l’autre.
Yung-Shan Tsou is a Berlin based Taiwanese artist and writer whose work involves handwriting and bookmaking as conceptual artistic expressions. She has been intensively involved in novel writing since 2011. She has the following published novels: The waiting room and A traveler's guide to ride-sharing. The French version of her first novel La Salle d’attente was published in September 2016.