The writer and literary translator’s residence is open from May to October and is able to host a maximum of six writers per session. To be eligible writers and literary translators must be published (min. one book - self published not accepted), playwrights and scriptwriters must be published or produced.

The writers are provided with a private room in the Chateau.

The residents are responsible for buying and preparing their own meals. In the evening, an aperitif is offered by the management to the residents to allow them to get together and chat. Once a week a dinner is prepared and offered by the management.

Residents are left in peace to work and can plan their time as they wish.

One public reading is organized every session where residents present their work.

It is possible to apply together with a spouse/partner, but only if both are writers (or literary translators). Both should submit an application file.

Each session lasts four weeks.

Who can apply

A writer must have published at least one book (not self-published) in any of the following creative fields:

– Fiction
– Creative nonfiction
– Poetry
– Literary translation
– Plays
– Screenplays

Regardless of country of origin, the applicant must be fluent in either English or French, as exchanges among writers from many different countries are a key feature of our residence. Residents will also interact with the public at a reading of their work in either language.

Please also note that the château is difficult of access for people with mobility issues.

The sessions last four weeks. Writers must apply for a specific session and are asked to indicate second and third choices. However, the latter choices should be dates that would also work for the applicant. While all efforts will be made to satisfy a first choice, it is not always possible and in no way reflects an evaluation of the writer.

There are several fellowship possibilities at the Chateau de Lavigny :

  • The Château de Lavigny Grant Fellowship (including lodging in the Chateau, aperitifs, dinner once a week)

  • The Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council Fellowship for Translators with a Swiss project (including lodging, a stipend and a fix amount for travel expenses). Only for project to translate a work by a Swiss writer.

  • The Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council Fellowship (including lodging, a stipend, travel and insurance expenses) Only from Countries on the Swiss Arts Council list. To apply go to the application portal of the Swiss Arts Council: https://prohelvetia.ch/en/find-support/residency-in-switzerland/


  • A Grant Fellowship supported by a Swiss Canton, a Swiss Foundation or Foreign State/Foundation (including lodging and a stipend). For more information : contact@chateaudelavigny.ch

    For institutions willing to sponsor or to launch a writer fellowship at Chateau de Lavigny or for writers/translators applying through an institution: Please contact the residence’s director, Sophie Kandaouroff, for conditions at:  contact@chateaudelavigny.ch


Application procedure

The following documents must be submitted either in English or French. No exceptions will be made and applications that are not complete and which are not received by the deadline (October 15th) will not be considered. Acceptances will be announced by early December.

1. A completed official application form with personal data and choice of dates (minimum 2 choices)

2. A short personal statement about why the writer wishes to come to an international writers’ residence (half a page maximum)

3. A short statement about the writer’s project at Lavigny (half a page maximum)

4. A curriculum vitae of one page including relevant publications and achievements

5. An excerpt of the writer’s published work, no more than eight pages. It must be presented either in English, German or French (translated if necessary). Please do not send a book, do not send work in progress.

6. A letter of recommendation from published writer, critic, publisher or translator, specifically about the candidate’s intended projects for Lavigny.

7. For the literary translators applying for the Pro Helvetia fellowship only: A copy of the signed contract with a publishing house for the translation of the Swiss author.

Completed applications are to be sent by email to the Foundation address contact@chateaudelavigny.ch

All the above documents, including the recommendation letter, must be sent in one single pdf file.                            

An email will confirm that we have received your application. In case of no response/acknowledgment of receipt within 24 hours, please contact us again.                                   

The deadline to apply for 2026 is October 15th, 2025

The application form 2026 is available for download HERE. (Word format HERE)

Dates for the 2026 residencies

Session LaL : May 4 to May 31 (for literary translators - Looren à Lavigny Fellowship only - application via www.looren.org)

Session 1: June 2 to June 29

Session 2: June 30 to July 27

Session 3: July 28 to August 24

Session 4: August 25 st to September 21

Session PH Fellowship : September 22 to October 19 (for literary translators with a Swiss project)

For institutions interested in either sponsoring a writer or a fellowship at Chateau de Lavigny:

Please contact the residence’s director Sophie Kandaouroff at contact@chateaudelavigny.ch

For more informations about the Pro Helvetia Fellowship for literary translators with a Swiss project please go to :


For more informations about the Looren à Lavigny Fellowship for literary translators working with French language go to: