May 28 - June 24, 2024
Khadija Bajaber (Kenya) Fiction
Khadija Abdalla Bajaber is a Kenyan writer and the author of The House of Rust which won the inaugural Graywolf Press Africa Prize and The Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction. You can find her work at Enkare Review, A Long House, Lolwe, and Down River Road among others.
This residency is supported by Pro Helvetia Johannesburg
Anna Melikova (Ukraine) Fiction, non-fiction, film
Anna Melikova (Ukraine) script writer, writer, film curator and film critic. Was born in Crimea, studied German philology in Kyiv, worked as a film curator and film critic in Moscow, since 2017 lives in Berlin. She wrote the screenplay for “Grand Jeté” (director Isabelle Stever, premiered Berlinale 2022). Since 2022 she is a member of the Berlinale Panorama selection committee. With the German-Ukrainian film project “My Beloved Man’s Female Body” she received as script writer the Kompagnon Fellowship Award, Berlinale Talents 2023. Her prose texts have been published in literature magazines and anthologies in various languages. In 2022 she was a fellow of the Berlin Literary Colloquium. In 2024 she received a scholarship for literature of the Berlin Senate. Her debut novel Ich ertrinke in einem fliehenden See will be published in German language by Matthes & Seitz 2024.
This residency is supported by Artlink - FondsCulturelSud
Dominique Nédellec (France) Translation
Born in 1973, Dominque Nédellec lives in Figeac, France. He has successively worked as a bookseller, head of the Book Office at the French Embassy in South Korea, and project manager at the Centre régional des lettres de Basse-Normandie. He became a Portuguese translator when he moved to Lisbon between 2002 and 2006. He has translated over seventy titles by Portuguese, Brazilian and Angolan authors, published by some twenty publishers, in general literature, children's literature and comics. He has received prestigious awards for his translations.
Jean-Marc Turine (Belgium) Fiction, non-fiction
Born in Brussels in 1946, he lives and works in Brussels. He has made documentary films and a feature-length fiction film. He worked for France Culture as an independent producer from 1992 to 2002, during which time he produced recordings for Radio France, for which he was awarded the Prix de l'Académie Charles Cros in the "recorded speech" category on three occasions. His novel La Théo des fleuves won the Prix des cinq continents de la francophonie in 2018.
Renia White (USA) Poetry, non fiction
Renia White is a writer and writing instructor based in Brooklyn, NY. Her poetry collection Casual Conversation (BOA Editions Ltd., 2022) was named a Blessing the Boats selection. Her work has appeared in publications such as NO NIIN, The Recluse, the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series, and elsewhere. She studied at Howard (BA) & Cornell University (MFA).