Philippe Rahmy (Switzerland) is the author of seven books of poetry and prose.He was awarded the Prix Wepler 2013 Mention spéciale du jury, the Prix Pittard de l'Andelyn 2014 and the Prix Michel-Dentan
2014, with his book Béton armé — Shanghai au corps à corps. His next novel will be published by La Table Ronde in January 2016. (Photo Moko)
Raluca Antonescu (Suisse) Née à Bucarest, Raluca Antonescu est arrivée enfant en Suisse. Elle a vécu dans un village en Suisse alémanique, puis dans le canton de Vaud, avant de s'établir à Genève. Après une formation aux Arts décoratifs et aux Beaux-arts, elle travaille dans la vidéo et réalise des documentaires. Actuellement, elle est enseignante d'arts visuels à Genève. L'inondation est son premier roman.
Tulsi Badrinath (India) is a writer and dancer from India. Her two novels Meeting Lives and Man of A Thousand Chances were longlisted for the Man Asian Literary Prize 2007 and 2008. Master of Arts: A Life in Dance and Madras, Chennai and the Self, non-fiction, have been critically acclaimed.
Hajar Bali (Algérie) Enseignante de mathématiques à Alger, je suis également membre de la compagnie de théâtre Chrysalide. En 2010, est édité mon recueil de pièces de théâtre : Rêve et vol d'oiseau (éditions Barzakh, Alger). En 2014 paraît le recueil de nouvelles intitulé : Trop tard (ed. Barzakh). J’envisage, à Lavigny, d’entamer la rédaction de mon premier roman.
Pat Boran (Ireland) is an Irish poet, writer and broadcaster whose writing is often inspired by and connected to place. His collections of poems include New and Selected Poems (2005), and The Next Life (2011); prose works include the memoir The Invisible Prison (2007). He has received prizes in Ireland and the US, and is a member of Aosdána, the Irish affiliation of artists and writers.
Mathieu Boutin (Canada) est écrivain, avocat et violoniste. Il est l’auteur de trois romans jeunesse et quatre contes musicaux destinés au jeune public. Son roman L’oreille absolue (2013) explore le parcours de jeunes musiciens en quête d’un poste dans un orchestre. Si on le laisse tranquille, il complètera sous peu l’écriture de Les dissonances, dont il lira un extrait.
Elena Bossi (Argentina) writes fiction, essays and plays. Her short novel,
Otro lugar received the Eduardo Mallea award for fiction in Buenos Aires. Among other works: Los otros essays), Amigas (novel, in collaboration with Penelope Todd, Rosa Mira Books, New Zealand), Leer poesía, leer la muerte (National Endowment for the Arts Award).
Constance Chlore (France) a publié deux romans : Nicolas jambes tordues (éditions La Fosse aux ours) ; À Tâtons sans bâton (éditions Punctum). Son dernier livre Atomium, (éditions Atelier de l’agneau) vient de recevoir le prix international de poésie francophone Yvan Goll 2014.
Stuart Dischell (USA) is the author of four full-length collections of poems, most recently Backwards Days. A recipient of awards from the National Poetry Series, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, he is a Professor in the Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Evan Fallenberg (USA, Israel) ’s novels Light Fell (Soho Press, 2008) and When We Danced on Water (HarperCollins, 2011) and his many translations of novels, plays, filmscripts and libretti from Hebrew to English have won numerous awards. He teaches creative writing and literary translation at Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, and City University of Hong Kong.
Nathalie Handal (Palestine, USA, France) ’s recent books include The Republics; The Invisible Star; Poet in Andalucía; and Love and Strange Horses, winner of the Gold Medal Independent Publisher Book Award. She's a Lannan Foundation Fellow, winner of the Alejo Zuloaga Order in Literature, and Honored Finalist for the Gift of Freedom Award, among other honors. (Photo Linda Kallerus)
Fabienne Jacob (France) est née en Lorraine dans un petit village de la frontière allemande. Sa langue maternelle est le francique. Toute son oeuvre parle du corps. Pas le corps californien, mais celui,
imparfait, qui respire, désire, manque, jouit, souffre, vieillit. Son écriture rugueuse et fragmentaire cerne au plus près la sensation.
Kamal (India) is a student of science but the author of three books of literary fiction in Hindi. A few of his stories received awards and were translated into many different Indian languages. His novel Aakhar Chaurasi (based on the genocide of Indian Sikhs in 1984) was chosen one of the five best debut novels of 2009.
Nadine Pinede (Haïti) The daughter of Haitian emigrants, Nadine Pinede is author of An Invisible Geography, poems of place and exile. She holds degrees from Harvard and Oxford, where she was a Rhodes scholar. She also earned a Master of Fine Arts and a PhD. Her fiction appeared in Haiti Noir, edited by Edwidge Danticat, and was published in French by Asphalte Editions, Paris.
Silvia Pozzi (Italy) is a translator of Chinese literature into Italian, she has translated important authors like Han Han, Lin Bai, and Yu Hua. She is the co-editor of the first magazine of Chinese contemporary literature in Italian, Caratteri, Letteratura cinese contemporanea. Silvia is associate professor in Chinese language and literature at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
Chris Price (New Zealand) has published two poetry collections and an eccentric biographical dictionary, Brief Lives. She teaches creative writing at Victoria University (Wellington, New Zealand) and has worked as an editor and writers' festival organiser. Chris is writing about the English poet Thomas Lovell Beddoes, who spent half his life in Germany and Switzerland. (Photo Robert Cross)
Piotr Sommer (Poland) is a poet, translator, and essayist. His poetry has won many awards. As well as eight collections of poetry in Polish, from W krześle (1977) to Piosenka pasterska (1999), he has
two collections published in translation: Things to Translate and Other Poems (1991) and Ein freier Tag in April (2002). (from, photo Vandemeer/de Lange)
Eva Tind (Denmark) Being born in Korea and brought up in Denmark, my work reflects on the concept of cultural identity, through verse, prose, documentary material and pictures in the intricate interplay between the personal and the universal. My books often highlight how the world can seem very different depending on who is looking at it and from where.
Katrina Tuvera (Philippines) has written a collection of short fiction and a novel. She is co-editor of the anthology Querida, a collection of literary portrayals of "the mistress." She is writing her second novel set in the Philippines, exploring collaboration and complicity in World War II and the martial law years.
Sholeh Wolpé (USA) ’s writing “transcends the boundaries of language, gender, ethnicity and nationality.” A recipient of the 2014 PEN/Heim, 2013 Midwest Book Award and 2010 Lois Roth Persian Translation prize, Wolpé is the author of three collections of poetry and two books of translations, three anthologies, and a play, Shame. (Photo Bonnie Perkinson)