Géraldine Barbe (France) est l’auteur de trois romans publiés aux éditions Léo Scheer : Rater mieux(2008), Aimer Roger(2010), et Ne pleure pas on se reverra, et d’un livre pour la jeunesse L’Invité surprise (2013, Le Rouergue). Changer de vie, histoires de renaissances est sorti en Avril 2014 (éditions Plein Jour) et une première traduction de Cries Unheard, de Gitta Sereny est prévue pour la rentrée 2014 .
Zdenka Becker (Austria) is a recipient of numerous awards and writing fellowships. She writes with her Slavic sensibility in a western language, German. She is the author of eight books (the latest, My Father’s Toughest Case) and thirteen plays (the latest: Behind the Darkness, New York).
Sarah Butler (UK) explores the relationship between writing and place through prose, poetry. She has been writer-in-residence on the Central line and at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Her debut novel, Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love, is published by Picador and in 15 other countries around the world. She is currently working on her second novel, Before the Fire.
Anca Cristofovici (France/Roumania) is a trilingual European writer currently based in France where she is professor of American literature and art. She has published prose, poetry, and essays in English and Romanian, non-fiction in French, and her poetry translations have appeared in anthologies in the UK and USA. Her novel Stela is forthcoming from Ninebark Press, March 2015. Her novel Stela is forthcoming from Ninebark Press, March 2015.
Jason Donald (South Africa/UK) was born in Scotland but grew up in South Africa. His first novel, Choke Chain, was shortlisted for the Authors Club Best First Novel Award and the Saltire First Book Award. He has published short stories for BBC Radio 4 and Edinburgh International Book Festival. His second novel is about an asylum seeker in the UK.
Sylvie Gracia (France) partage sa vie entre l’écriture et le métier d’éditeur: elle dirige notamment une collection littéraire, La Brune, aux Editions du Rouergue. Elle est l’auteur de six romans et espère terminer à Lavigny le septième, Autoportrait avec femmes, une exploration des différentes façons d’être femme aujourd’hui. Elle vit à Paris.
Barbara Gruszka-Zych (Poland) is a poet, critic and journalis, working for bestselling Polish opinion magazine Gość Niedzielny (Sunday Visitor). She specializes in reportages, interviews, and literary critiques. She is the author of over a dozen poetry publications, translated into many languages, and a memoir about Czesław Miłosz, the poet and Nobel Prize winner.
Franck André Jamme (France) est l'auteur d'une quinzaine de livres de poèmes et de fragments, spécialiste de l'art contemporain de l'Inde (tantrique, brut et tribal) et traducteur. Maître d'oeuvre de la Pléiade de René Char, six de ses titres ont été publiés aux Etats-Unis, dans des traductions de John Ashbery, Norma Cole.
Mario Kaiser (Germany) is a writer of narrative non-fiction. Taking on issues of social transformation and human rights, his stories are based on long-term immersion in environments that are difficult to access. He is a recipient of numerous awards, including the Kurt Tucholsky Prize for Literary Journalism. He lives in New York City.
Luis S. Krausz (Brazil) is a novelist and teaches Jewish and Hebrew Literature at Universidade de São Paulo. He was born in Brazil, in 1961, in a family of Jewish emigrés from Vienna. He was awarded the Benvirá Prize for Literature in Brazil in 2013.
Anton Krueger (South Africa) 's published works include plays (Living in Strange Lands), poems (Everyday Anomalies), and prose (Sunnyside Sal); as well as critical writing on South African theatre (Experiments in Freedom). His unpublished works include rants, manifestos and notes hurriedly scrawled on the backs of envelopes.
Nikita Kuznetsov (Russia) is a translator of Polish literature into Russian. He has translated works of authors such as Józef Czapski and Andrzej Wajda, but his main achievement is the translation of Czesław Miłosz’s prose, particularly The Issa Valley. Nikita is also an editor of the Novaya Polsha magazine. In 2009 he was awarded the Badge of honour “Merit to Polish Culture”.
Janine Massard (Switzerland) a publié douze livres, récits, romans, nouvelles, six réédités en collections de poche, trois traduits en allemand et en russe; plusieurs nouvelles lues sur les ondes, d’autres traduites en roumain, tchèque, italien et russe. Elle a reçu des prix littéraires dont le Schiller suisse et le celui de la Fondation vaudoise pour la culture.
Neva Micheva (Bulgary) is a literary translator and journalist. She translates from Italian (Italo Calvino, Dino Buzzati, Giorgio Manganelli, Antonio Tabucchi…), Spanish (Juan Gelman, Roberto Bolaño, Manuel Puig…) and Catalan (Manuel de Pedrolo, Jordi Galceran, Sergi Belbel). She is working on the first translation into Bulgarian of Primo Levi's Il sistema periodico.
Armenuhi Sisyan (Armenia) is the author of four books. Her short stories and poems have been translated into English, Russian, French, and other languages, and published in literary magazines and anthologies. In 2013 she received a grant from the Kulturkontakt Austria program and stayed in Vienna for two months. She is an assistant professor at Yerevan State Medical University.
Minakshi Thakur (India) is a bilingual writer in Hindi and English currently working at HarperCollins Publishers India. She has published three collections of poetry, one of which was shortlisted for the Sahitya Akademi Young Writer’s Prize. Her first novel in English, Lovers Like You and I, was shortlisted for the Tibor Jones South Asia Prize 2013 and translated into Turkish and Hindi.
João Tordo (Portugal) is the author of seven novels. His latest, Biografia Involuntária dos Amantes, was published in April by Alfaguara. He won the José Saramago Literary Prize and was shortlisted for numerous prizes, including the Portugal Telecom Brazil and the European Literary Award. His books are published in different countries, including France, Germany, Italy and Brazil.
Novelist J. M. Tuccelli (USA) explores bi-culturalism, race, and identity in Glow (2012), long-listed for the Crook’s Corner Book Prize of Exceptional Southern Debut Novels. Passionate about women’s and children’s causes in developing nations, she served on the board of the International HUG Foundation and as sponsor at Women for Women International.
Malika Wagner (France) a reçu le prix Walser, il y a des années, pour un livre dont elle n’avait pas voulu rouvrir la thématique depuis. Aujourd’hui, elle s’y sens prête. C’est en Suisse, plus qu’ailleurs, qu’elle réserve la première lecture de ce texte dont la parution est prévue en janvier chez Actes Sud.
Grace Wells (Ireland) is an award-winning poet and children's writer. She will be reading from her debut poetry collection, When God has Been Called Away to Greater Things, and from her forthcoming collection, Animal Encounters. Originally from London, England, she lives in Tipperary, Ireland.