April 29th - May 26th, 2025

Elena Cappellini (Italy) Translation


Translation project (French > Italian) “Ilaria ou la conquête de la désobéissance“ by French-speaking Swiss writer Gabriella Zalapi (Zoé 2024)

She is a comparativist and translator. She studied in Bologna and Siena, where she obtained a doctorate in comparative literature and literary text translation. She teaches editorial translation at the Belleville writing school and the Holden-Feltrinelli school. A finalist for the 2017 Prix Stendhal, she has translated Delphine de Vigan, Leïla Slimani, John Le Carré, Simone de Beauvoir, Pierre Lemaitre and Frédéric Dard, among others.

Piernicola D’Ortona (Italy) Translation


Translation project (French > Italian) “Faire le garçon“ by French-speaking Swiss writer Jérôme Meizoz (Zoé 2013).

Piernicola D'Ortona has been a literary translator from English and French since 2015. Among the Italian publishers he has worked for: add editore, Treccani, Einaudi, Bompiani, Codice, Hoepli. The latest book he has had the good fortune to translate is Christophe Granger's Quinze minutes sur le ring (Anamosa, Paris 2024; Quindici minuti sul ring, Einaudi, Torino 2025).

Katica Graroska Acevska (North Macedonia) Translation


Translation project (French > Macedonian) “Hiver à Sokcho“ by French-speaking Swiss writer Elisa Shua Dusapin (Zoé 2016)

After working at the Ministry of Culture of Macedonia, Katica Garoska turned to translating fiction and poetry from English, French, Serbo-Croatian into Macedonian. Her award-winning work has included well-known authors, such as: Robert Graves, Philip Roth, Marguerite Yourcenar, Yukio Mishima, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Danilo Kish, Jacques Chessex, and others.

Novak Golubović (Serbia) Translation


Translation project (French > Serbian) “Les billes du Pachinko“ by French-speaking Swiss writer Elisa Shua Dusapin (Zoé 2018)

Born in Belgrade, where he studied literature and literary theory, Novak Golubović is a third-generation translator. He has been working as a technical/specialized translator from English and French for over twenty years, and has devoted himself to literary translation for the past decade. Among the authors he has translated are Frédéric Beigbeder, Virginie Despentes, Elisa Shua Dusapin, Delphine de Vigan, Emmanuel Carrère, Anne Serre, Giuliano da Empoli, Philippe Djian, Simone de Beauvoir and Albert Camus.

Francesca Romeral (Spain) Translation


Translation project (French > Spanish) “La fortune“ by French-speaking Swiss writer Catherine Safonoff (Zoé 2024)

She was born in Toledo (Spain) and lives in Madrid. She is a specialist in the work of Annie Ernaux, on whom she has published a doctoral thesis and several articles in international journals. She is mainly dedicated to the translation of French-speaking authors of the 20th century. She is currently attached to the Department of French Philology at the University of Cadiz (Spain) as a researcher, and a member of the Asociación de Francesistas de la Universidad Española.


May 27 - June 23, 2025

Isabelle Aeschlimann (Switzerland) Fiction

She received the Prix des lecteurs de la Ville de Lausanne for her novel Les secrets de nos cœurs silencieux (Editions Les Nouveaux Auteurs 2023).

Isabelle Aeschlimann-Petignat was born in 1979 and grew up in Alle, in the canton of Jura. She now lives in the canton of Vaud. In 2012, she published her first book. In 2023 she published her second novel Les secrets de nos cœurs silencieux (Les Nouveaux Auteurs), which won the Prix Coup de cœur du Jury du Grand Prix du roman Femme Actuelle and the Prix du Livre de la Ville de Lausanne 2024.

This residency is supported by The city of Lausanne

Marc Agron (Switzerland/Croatia)

Marc Agron was born in Zagreb in 1963. He arrived in Switzerland at the age of 19 and studied at the University of Neuchâtel. He then studied to become a bookseller specializing in antiquarian books. In 1996, he opened the Univers bookshop and gallery in Lausanne. His first novel, Mémoires de cellules, was published in 2017. In recent years, he has devoted most of his time to writing. La vie des choses is his fourth novel.

Marc Agron has received the Prix des lecteurs de la Ville de Lausanne 2025 for his novel La vie des choses (Editions La Veilleuse).

This residency is supported by the City of Lausanne

Andrew Boden (Canada) Fiction, non-fiction

Andrew Boden’s fiction and non-fiction has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines, including the Journey Prize anthology. His debut novel, When We Were Ashes, was published in September 2024 by Goose Lane Editions. He is also the co-editor of Hidden Lives: Coming Out on Mental Illness, an anthology of personal essays published by Brindle & Glass. He lives in British Columbia, Canada.

Ronya Othmann (Germany) Poetry, fiction, non-fiction

Ronya Othmann was born in Munich in 1993. She writes poetry, prose and essays and works as a journalist. She has received many awards for her work. Her novel ‘Die Sommer’ was published in 2020, her poetry collection ‘die verbrechen’ in 2021 and ‘Vierundsiebzig’, a documentary novel about the genocide of the Yazidis, in 2024.

This residency is supported by Rowohlt Verlag.

Danyi Zoltan (Serbie) Fiction

Born in 1972 in Senta, former Yugoslavia, into a family of rose growers and a member of Serbia's Hungarian minority, Zoltán Danyi is the author of poems, short stories and novels. Published by Magvető in 2015, A dögeltakarító won the Miklós Mészöly Prize, and in 2021, A rózsákról was shortlisted for Hungary's Independent Libri Prize. A former publisher and university lecturer, he still works in rose-growing.

This residency is supported by S. Fischer Stiftung


June 24 to July 21, 2025

Suo Er (China) Fiction

Suo Er 索耳 is the author of the novel 伐木之夜 [The Night of the Felling] and the story collection 非亲非故 [Noncorrelation]. His works have appeared in China’s top literary magazines and received many awards, the 43rd Hong Kong Youth Literary Award and a 2021 nomination as Most Promising Newcomer of the Year by the Southern Literature Festival among them. He has also engaged in publishing, media, and exhibition work. His writing concerns itself with the dispersion of cultures, and with lives of individuals in a “Southern framework. He is based in Guangzhou.

This residency is supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia Shanghai

Eda Isler (Turkey) Fiction, translation

Eda İşler (1988) is a Turkish author and translator, currently residing in Istanbul. She earned her degree in English Language Teaching from Uludağ University. Her fiction has been featured in numerous esteemed literary magazines in Turkey. Between 2019 and 2021, she published several notable works, beginning with her collection, Kaza Süsü [Look Like An Accident], released in 2019 by Dergah. In 2021, she followed with her second collection, Görünür Bir Yerde [In A Visible Place], published by Everest. As a translator, İşler has brought to Turkish readers the works of acclaimed authors, including two novels by Deborah Levy and a collection of short stories by Lorrie Moore.

Arshia Sattar (India) Fiction, non-fiction, translation

Arshia Sattar works with the epics and storytelling traditions of the Indian sub-continent. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has translated the Valmiki Ramayana from Sanskrit into English. She has written several books of commentary and interpretation on this ancient text. More recently, she has retold myths and classical stories for younger readers. Her book, "The Mahabharata for Children" won the Children's Literature Award from the Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters.) Arshia writes, speaks and teaches about classical Indian literatures at home and abroad.

This residency is supported by The Francis J. Greenburger Family Foundation

Hanna Yankuta (Belarus) Poetry, fiction, translation

Born in 1984 in Hrodna (Belarus), Hanna Yankuta is a writer, translator and Doctor of Literature. She is the author of the poetry project Constitution and the novel Barren Time, which won the Ales Adamovich Prize and the Jerzy Giedroyc Literary Award (II place). Her translations include works by Kazuo Ishiguro, Sally Rooney, Czesław Miłosz, Wisława Szymborska. Fragments of Barren Time have been translated into German, and poems into Danish, German, Italian, English, etc.

This residency is supported by S. Fischer Stiftung


July 22 to August 18, 2025

Dhia Bousselmi (Tunisia) Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, translation

This residency is supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia Cairo

Suo Er (China) Fiction

Suo Er 索耳 is the author of the novel 伐木之夜 [The Night of the Felling] and the story collection 非亲非故 [Noncorrelation]. His works have appeared in China’s top literary magazines and received many awards, the 43rd Hong Kong Youth Literary Award and a 2021 nomination as Most Promising Newcomer of the Year by the Southern Literature Festival among them. He has also engaged in publishing, media, and exhibition work. His writing concerns itself with the dispersion of cultures, and with lives of individuals in a “Southern framework. He is based in Guangzhou.

This residency is supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia Shanghai

Adrien Rupp (Switzerland) Fiction, drama, film

Adrien Rupp is an artist from Lausanne, trained at la Haute Ecole des arts scéniques Lausanne La Manufacture. Actor, director and screenwriter, several of his texts have been produced in theaters and published in literary magazines. His first novel Le cambrioleur was published by La Veilleuse in 2023 under the pen name Gé du Jeudi.

This residency is supported by State of Vaud

Naomi Schenck (USA/Germany) Non-fiction, fiction

Naomi Schenck, born in 1970 in Santa Monica (USA), grew up in Malhlheim/Ruhr, and today lives in Berlin and New York. She studied painting and set design at the Kunstakademie in Dusseldorf. She works as a set designer for film and television, as well as an interior decorator. She writes regularly for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. She has published numerous short stories and a memoir about her family's history Mein Großvater stand am Fenster und trank Tee Nr.12 (Hanser Berlin Verlag)

This residency is supported by the Francis J. Greenburger Family Foundation

Residency to be announced shortly

To be announced :

Residency for a Catalan writer supported by Institut Ramon Llull


August 19 to September 15, 2025

Fabienne Bogadi (Switzerland) Fiction, poetry

Fabienne Bogádi was born in Valais in 1960. She is a translator, journalist, editor and communications manager. She studied sociology and literature at Lausanne University. She has written poetry, short stories and two novels. She won the Prix des lecteurs de la ville de Lausanne in 2019 for her novel Les immortelles. In addition to her career as an author, she works as a business journalist and on assignment for newspapers and institutions.

This residency is supported by the Canton of Vaud.

Suo Er (China) Fiction

Suo Er 索耳 is the author of the novel 伐木之夜 [The Night of the Felling] and the story collection 非亲非故 [Noncorrelation]. His works have appeared in China’s top literary magazines and received many awards, the 43rd Hong Kong Youth Literary Award and a 2021 nomination as Most Promising Newcomer of the Year by the Southern Literature Festival among them. He has also engaged in publishing, media, and exhibition work. His writing concerns itself with the dispersion of cultures, and with lives of individuals in a “Southern framework. He is based in Guangzhou.

This residency is supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia Shanghai

Nadia Harhash (Palestine) Fiction, non-fiction, translation

Nadia Harhash is a Palestinian writer, researcher, and columnist from Jerusalem. She is completing her Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, focusing on gender, identity, and colonial modernity. Her work encompasses both academic research and literary exploration. Nadia has authored several novels, including In the Shadow of Men and On the Trail of Mariam, and has conducted research on Palestinian women's movements and gender in Islamic philosophy. During her residency at Château de Lavigny, she will work on translating On the Trail of Mariamfrom Arabic to English, aiming to share its narratives of resilience, mythology, and displacement with a broader audience.

This residency is supported by Artlink FondsCulturelSud

Laline Paull (UK) Fiction, drama

London-born Laline Paull is a novelist and dramatist of Indian heritage. She is the author of three novels, most recently Pod, a science-backed cetacean epic. Her second, The Ice, tells of geopolitical intrigue on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, and she is currently adapting her debut novel, The Bees, at the National Theatre. She has spoken at the House of Lords, BAFTA and COP26 on the role of stories in tackling the climate crisis.

Christilla Vasserot (Spain) Translation



Christilla Vasserot was born in Alicante, Spain, in 1970. She is a Spanish translator and lecturer in the Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3. After writing her doctoral thesis on contemporary Cuban theater, she devoted part of her research to contemporary Latin American dramaturgy. She translates both theater and novels from Spain and Latin America.


September 16 to October 13, 2025

Christilla Vasserot (Spain) Translation



Christilla Vasserot was born in Alicante, Spain, in 1970. She is a Spanish translator and lecturer in the Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3. After writing her doctoral thesis on contemporary Cuban theater, she devoted part of her research to contemporary Latin American dramaturgy. She translates both theater and novels from Spain and Latin America.



The names of the 4 translators awarded the scholarship for 2025 will be announce soon.